Modification and Decoration (Metamorphosis Monday)
>> Monday, July 6, 2009 –
Metamorphosis Monday Hosted by:

Finally we got some shelves to go up on the wall. So this next week I'll be fixing those up and finally finishing the livingroom, this day has been a long time coming. In fact a year, as of last Saturday I've been in Heidelberg for a year. This is the longest time I will have been in one home since I left my parents place oh so many years ago. In the past 5 years I have lived in 5 different houses in 3 different cities in 3 different countries, so it feels nice to be able to settle in for a bit.
I've had the left over curtain fabric from the livingroom hanging around for a while. I finally decided to use it to cover our disgusting diningroom chairs. The chairs are borrowed (military lending closet) so I can't do anything too crazy. Hell, I'd love to strip and re-stain them too. I'll just have to be satisfied with covering the gross, stained seat fabric until we get around to buying our very own dining set. Whenever that may be. I've done a quick job on one of them so far, with just fabric and tape, I didn't want to put any holes in them again because they're not ours. Will post before and after pictures when they're all done. It was easier than I expected actually, just had to unscrew the seat, wrap it like a birthday gift and screw it back on.
I also have a nice new mirror to put up, somewhere, and a new lamp. That's as far as I've gotten on my huge list of jobs! Man I suck.
Oh, and I made a table centerpiece type thing. Wasn't on the list but I found some gorgeous teacups that are pretty perfect for it, at least for now.
Finally got around to uploading the photos!


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