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Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts

March 15

Some scenes from a rather busy weekend. Flea markets and dinner with friends. It was busy in not-so-good ways too, but I'd rather not get into that. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, did you get up to anything good?


March 3 - The Rhythm of Spring

We're slowly slipping into our daily rhythm for Spring, it's not a forced schedule but more like how the rest of our days naturally evolve around the necessities of set meals times, sleep and household work.

Here is a rough outline of how our days look at the moment, although I haven't written in snack times but they kind of fit in as we go:

  • Wake up
  • Breakfast and TV time
  • Yoga, which we do together now that Mikey is old enough to copy mummy. He thinks that getting into the positions is pretty hilarious. Downward facing dog is his favourite, he's not too good at any that involve standing on one leg.
  • Household chores and/or errands
  • Free Play, which is Mikey's unguided play time. Sometimes he will play alone while I finish my household chores and other times I will play with him.
  • Naptime, during which mummy either does more chores, does some crafting, does some blogging or naps along with Mikey.
  •   Outside play, if the weather is reasonable, which involves either the playground or going on walks. It really has to be peeing it down with rain or snow for us to not go outside, just because he sleeps and behaves so much better if he has a good amount of outside time. If the weather is bad then we do indoor constructive play which involves playing and listening to music, painting, drawing or building with blocks (sometimes we bring these activities outside with us).
  • After dinner we have some calm play with quiet toys to help wind down for bed. We also do a little singing.
  • We read some books together.
  • Daddy takes over for bath time.
  • Mikey goes to bed, which is when mummy gets free time.
This is all subject to change of course, as the evenings start getting lighter and we begin to slip into summer then we will have more outside time and go on walks after dinner. But this is it for now.

It's taken me a while to realise the importance of a daily rhythm to the smooth running of our days, for me to actually pay attention to the natural rhythm that our days fit into all on their own and embrace that rhythm. It makes things so much calmer and simpler, mikey really benefits from the security of knowing what will come next in his day.

What's your daily rhythm? Do you have one? How does it work out for you?

My husband left this morning to fly back to the States for a week. It's funny, I've noticed that no matter how long they are gone, be it a week or an entire deployment, it still royally sucks. Hopefully I can get some work done while he's away though, I have furniture to finish.


March 2

Freshly ground coffee, thanks to the gift of a coffee grinder from some friends, and Schoko Brotchen for breakfast. Perfect.

I've been feeling very tired recently, I feel like I'm in slow motion, as though I am on the very edge of the beginning of being ill. I have been like it for a while so I don't really think I'm coming down with anything but that wont stop me from saying to my husband, "You know, I think I must be coming down with something," every couple of days.

My excitement for Spring has caught up with me, I have been trying to fit in too many things that I decided I needed to do before it arrived and I'd just quite like to have a nice rest instead. My husband is leaving on Wednesday for a week long trip to the States for his little sister's wedding. She is getting married to the son of American missionaries living in Africa whom she met at Bible College, he is a lovely young man and I am sure that they will be very happy together, I'm excited for them embarking on this new stage of life together. I am very sad that I cannot be there for the wedding, but immigration issues stop me from re-entering the States until my Citizenship Application clears.

Instead of going with him, Mikey and I will stay behind and try to have some restful time between seasons before we start to pick up the rhythms of Spring. These bright and breezy days we've been having are perfect for opening up all the windows in the apartment, banishing the last little parts of winter that may be lurking in the corners and dusting the hibernation cobwebs out of our minds.

I finished my knitted camera strap cover yesterday, it's very plain but I quite like the minimalism.

It's surprisingly difficult to get a photo of it when it's attached to my camera, sorry about that.

It was very easy, kind of like knitting a sock. I wont give you specific directions because it was so easy that seems pointless, but if you want to make one of your own you need to cast on enough stitches so that the width doubles around the strap and can be sewn together to make a tube. Then knit a row, purl a row, repeat, until it is as long as you want it to be, cast off and sew up the seam. You could get all fancy with different stitches if you like, I might make another one in a spiral rib pattern.

I'm also in the market for a new camera bag, I've seen some beautiful handmade ones on Etsy and of course those lovely Jill-e bags, but sadly they are all out of my price range. I love this idea though of turning a regular purse into a camera bag, except she says that she uses the foam that's used in ironing board covers for the padding and I don't think that's protective enough. I would probably use wetsuit material or the stuff they make camping mats from.

We bought our new car yesterday and it will be ready in 2 weeks. This is what it looks like:

It's pretty perfect for our little family and drives like a dream. There is more space inside it than you'd think for a Mini, it's our little Tardis.


February 28

My friend and I ventured out to a flea market again yesterday, the weather was lovely and we managed to pick up quite a few goodies including a balance bike for Mikey that looks brand new but only cost 8 euros. He hasn't been able to go on it yet because we need to find a wrench to adjust the seat, but he loves it very much and has been wheeling it all around the house.

Here are some of the other goodies that we purchased, all were very cheap. We also got a couple of planters and a decorative pottery wall hanging thing for 50c.

Cute phone, and it works! But Mikey seems to have commandeered it to play with instead.

A gorgeous little alarm clock!

We spent the afternoon looking at cars, our 17 year old BMW (which was a free pass it on...) is finally starting to fail on us. We will still pass it on to the next person for free, perhaps they can fix it up if they're interested in cars or use it for parts as some of the parts inside are new. We test drove a Mini Clubman, we think this is the car we want. It is lovely, has great handling and plenty of room for getting Mikey in and out thanks to the weird half door it has. It does look a little funky though, it's one of those longer Mini's. I'm sure I can live with that.

My husband has been out all day playing guitar with his friends, this has given Mikey and I a lovely Sunday to relax and watch a film, we've been watching The Sound of Music. I am almost finished knitting my camera strap cover, it's very soft and I think it will be just perfect. I've also been cutting up some of Mikey old pajamas and sewing them into things, I will show you when they are done! We're hopefully going out with friends to Schwetzingen to look for a restaurant to eat at tonight.

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend.


Sunday Reflections

I'm up early again, this seems to be a reoccurring theme.  I got up at 5am and it's now around 6.15, I like how quiet it is at this time of day.

I find it odd the way that my OCD works. When you think of someone with the condition you imagine an immaculate house, someone who is obsessive about germs and cleaning, things being orderly and tidy. That is just not the case for me at all.

In early January I forgot to get a refill on my meds and by about day three I devolved back into a mess, complete with withdrawal symptoms on top of that. The house was in a real state, I didn't cook, I didn't really do anything except stew in obsessive thoughts for hours.

I finally went and got a refill and things returned to normal with a vengeance. I cleaned the house from top to bottom, even the bedrooms which I hate doing, and started a whole slew of different creative projects.

I'm currently in the middle of knitting a soft toy rabbit for Mikey, nearly finished it! I have some beautiful new yarn in queue for other knitting projects that I'm really looking forward to starting. I have designs drawn up for a bookshelf for Mikey's books, I'm so sick of picking them up off of the floor! I have a design drawn up for an applique window seat cover for Mikey's bedroom. I've got a skirt sewing pattern that I drew up, waiting for some lovely fabric to fall into my arms and onto my sewing machine.

I mentioned my cooking list in the last blog post, I've got some new dishes and things for taking food photographs and have grand ideas for a studio set-up in the spare room to house all of these projects. At the moment they're spread over various portions of the house and the spare room is doing nothing whatsoever. Scouring the newspaper for old desks to use and things like that! I've also been a lot more creative with my actual cooking, making things up as I go along (with the help of my flavour bible) and having a great time of it all.

Mikey has been loving the snow, we keep going out to play in it and he loves nothing more than to just stomp through it in his boots! Shame it's raining now and the snow is melting away.

But despite the somewhat shaky, un-medicated start of 2010 things seem to be settling down into a wonderful rhythm.


Three Year Anniversary

I really try not to post on weekends usually, but yesterday I was pissed off and today is my wedding anniversary! Plus this was pre-written last week so I'm not taking any time out of our day, which is a good thing!


Us at Denny's in Killeen, TX a few months after we were married. Photo by Zebo (a friend)

Today marks the day three years ago when my husband and I were married in a courthouse in the outer Chicago suburbs.

We met online on an art website called DeviantArt in February 2006, we both like to take photographs and ended up coming across one another on there. We talked on there for a while, leaving comment on one another's photographs and writing until my husband managed somehow to convince me to give out my email and IM.

He was deployed to Kosovo at the time as Active Duty Public Affairs support for the National Guard out there, so our time difference was only an hour as I lived in England. After I got home to my apartment from work in the evenings, at around 11pm, I would get online and we would talk all night, getting ourselves into trouble with our respective jobs for being constantly tired. There were a couple of guys that I was already seeing at the time so I just thought of him as a friend, someone to talk to. After all, we were from different countries and led totally different lives, it would have been impossible. We would send one another music we were listening to, photographs we'd taken and talk about our writing.

We took the plunge and decided to have voice conversations on Skype. He played guitar for me over Skype and I fell in love, although he didn't let him know that until much later.

In July of the same year he took two weeks leave and came to visit me. We met for the first time in the arrivals lounge of Heathrow airport, got a hotel and hung out together for a few days in London. We caugh the Eurostar to Paris and wandered around seeing the sites, eating great French food, taking photographs and talking.

Us in Paris. Photos by a timer and my husband. Man, I used to have long hair before it started falling out.

After a long weekend in Paris we came back to my apartment in Nottingham for the last week, he said to me "What would you say if I asked you to marry me?"
I said "Um, yeah I guess."
He wandered off for a while, came back and said, "Well. Um, well... will you marry me?"
I hugged him tight and he said "Is that a yes?"

He caught the plane back to Kosovo a week later, I went with him to the airport and cried on the way home in a London Underground train filled with early morning commuters. We emailed one another and spoke online nearly every day until I traveled to the States in December of the same year.

We were married in a courthouse under a week after my arrival, I wore skinny jeans, a cute purple dress and crochet ballet pumps. He wore a shirt, jeans and converse sneakers. A couple being followed around by 6 young children in cute little dresses and suits were married before us, while we waited in the main hall. His best friend was the only person with us during the ceremony. She cried and made me promise to never tell anyone that she did (oops). On our way out, two men in handcuffs were being escorted into the building by men in police uniform. We don't have a single photograph from that day, but I wont ever forget.

The past three years have brought us so many things, the main one of course being our son. There have also been 3 different homes in two different countries, lots of joy and laughter as well as the hard times. I wouldn't change anything for the world.

Us in Autumn 2008, photo by my dad.


Resolution - Words to Live By

Nikon D3000 with Nikkor 28-105 Macro, manual.

I'm not a huge fan of New Years Resolutions, mostly because I tend to break them within a few days of making them. This year I wanted to just think of something less specific, after all what is the point in making goals that you know you'll never achieve?

So I thought I would consider some words to live by in 2010. I thought of some inspiring quotes and came across this one from Eleanor Roosevelt -

"Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product."

I would like to be happy in 2010, but it shouldn't be my goal, it should be a by-product of my goal.

I have things to look forward to in 2010, another year in Germany, my sister-in-law's wedding, my husband passing the entrance requirements and getting selected for his new MOS (fingers crossed) or if he doesn't get in then he'll be in line for another promotion, our third wedding anniversary, me finishing school (hopefully). But these aren't really goals, they are just things that will (or will not) happen.

I'd like to finishing some knitting projects this year, sew myself a dress, do more yoga, kick the sugar addiction, read some more wonderful books, involve myself in more creative endeavors, cook amazing food, have a simpler life and follow more of a natural rhythm.

On thinking over those things, my word to live by in 2010 seems more obvious and it's a word I've already used a lot in 2009 since my OCD diagnosis and treatment.


/ˈmaɪndfəl/ [mahynd-fuhl]
attentive, aware, or careful (usually fol. by of): mindful of one's responsibilities.

1375–1425; late ME mindeful.

Related forms:
mind⋅ful⋅ly, adverb
mind⋅ful⋅ness, noun

heedful, thoughtful, regardful.

In 2010 I aim to be more mindful in my everyday life, in my parenting, in my marriage, in my creative projects, in taking care of myself.

Happy New Year,
What are your words to live by in 2010?

Linked at Nanny Goats in Panties and Mama's losin' it.


From London to Chicago

The end of December 2006

In Nottingham, England, I packed up the possessions in my house into boxes and bags, giving away or selling things that I would not be able to take with me. I was abandoning my university studies after a year and a half, and altogether too much of my own hard earned money. I had not managed to find someone else to rent my attic room so that I could break the contract, the person I had lined up let me down at the last minute. I left anyway, leaving behind posters on the walls and furniture scattered around the room, perhaps the free furniture could be an apology to the people who I shared the house with. They would have to find someone new to take my room.

With friends in our favourite places, a red letterbox and the local bum.

My parents picked me up and took me and the remainder of my belongings, mostly books and clothes, back to their house where I spent my last Christmas with my family. I packed up my single suitcase with clothes and important small keepsakes. I had to leave behind my books because they were too many.

My parents drove down to London where we stayed overnight in a hotel to be ready for my early flight the next day. The line in the airport was ridiculously long and it seemed like we were waiting forever. My parents left and I went through security, everything went fine and I got on a plane headed to Ireland where I was to change planes and head to Chicago. Ireland was where the trouble started.

For some reason, U.S. immigration was in Ireland instead of the U.S. In hindsight I'm thankful for that because of what followed. I get a grumpy man at the immigration desk, I didn't have the correct visa. I was sent to one of the scary little rooms to be interrogated, there was an Irish American family in front of me, the wife having problems with re entering the U.S. on her Green Card. "This always happens," she gave me an exasperated smile.

The immigration officials decided that I was trying to enter the U.S. with the intention to work illegally. I explained that I could easily get paid more by just staying in England, he wasn't particularly impressed (my mouth gets me in trouble sometimes). My luggage was taken off the plane and I was led out of a secret door back to the main airport, along with a very scared looking asian family. There I was left, the immigration official told me that I was very lucky that he wasn't going to file the paperwork to have me barred from entering the U.S. for 3 years. That I could try again tomorrow.

I was stranded in Ireland with no Euros and a cellphone that was about to run out of battery. I went outside and tried to hold back tears while I lit a cigarette. I called my (future) husband and he answered sleepily. I tried to explain what was going on. I called my parents and tried to decide what to do.

I had no money or transport to get a hotel room for the night and then pay for another ticket to the U.S. the next day. Trying to figure out my options, I wandered around the airport talking to different employees. "Hey, you're the girl who didn't make it to Chicago?!" I became known among the airport staff for that day at least. Even the man who helped me with my bags knew who I was. What a 15 minutes of fame.

After much deliberation, I exchanged my ticket for one going back to London. I called my parents who came to meet me when I arrived, my dad having paid for a second ticket for the following day.

The flight the next day went as planned. I arrived at immigration in Minneapolis, I was so nervous the immigration official must have seen it. He seemed suspicious of me, but luckily my failed attempt from the previous day hadn't been recorded in my passport information. He let me through and I just about kissed him and cartwheeled with joy through the airport. I managed to refrain myself lest he change his mind.

I called my future husband from the airport in Minneapolis to tell him the good news before boarding the plane to Chicago. The rest is history, my husband met me at the baggage claim in O'Hare with one of his friends. We drove out to his cousins place and hung out. We got a hotel that night, went to a New Years party at an apartment belonging to one of his old band mates on the next night and were married three days later (which is another story in itself).

It's been three years, so much has changed and so little.


Random Tuesday Thoughts 7

The MacBook is back from the dead! Thanks to the lovely young man at the PowerZone on post who let me fiddle around with parts of the display computers and my computer to discover what was wrong and then finding me a new power cord, which was the problem. The wires had broken off inside. I never ever thought I'd actually be praising the PowerZone.

The past two days I've been cuddling with Mikey on the couch, poor little boy has been very sick. On Sunday he woke up lethargic with a burning fever, he couldn't keep any food or liquid down for most of the day and projectile vomited on me several times.  On Monday he was a little better, his fever was still there but lower and we watched cartoons and drank copious amounts of tea. The husband said to me as he made a huge mug of tea, "More Tea equals More Better." He's so right.

So I haven't managed to get anything much done, but that's alright I guess. I had intended to have a baking day on Sunday, but I'll be doing that this afternoon instead. Lots of cookies for the husband to take to the office with him, aren't I a good little wifey? Secretly I will eat half of them myself.

What? This winter is a cold one, I need the extra fat layers.

I did manage to get some knitting done though, have you any idea how difficult it is to knit when you have a little boy who likes to be involved in everything? It's slow going and tangled. I should have my little project done by the new year. I'll show you when it's finished, it's one of my secret projects.

Loving this Van Gogh sketch and letter.

Parsonage garden with trees in blossom

To Theo from Nuenen
April 1884

"I send you herewith a croquis of a painting I’m working on with some others — this is an effect of trees in blossom in the late afternoon. [..]

You mustn’t, whatever you do, think that I have great expectations regarding the appreciation of my work — I believe one must be satisfied if one gets to the point where one can persuade a few people of the soundness of what one is striving for and is understood by them, without exaggerated praise.

And the rest is a matter of, if something comes of it so much the better, but something that one should even think about as little as possible. But still I believe the work has to be seen, precisely because the few friends can settle out from the stream of passers-by. One doesn’t have to be guided by what the majority say or do, though."

Did you know? I'm a nerd for technical drawing/illustration, either medical, botanical or machinery. I used to have to do them both for Graphic Design class and Theatre Studies in school and when I worked backstage with the school theatre group.

Isn't this amazing?
Space airship with light charger (faceted), 1953, Karl Hans Janke (who to my astonishment does not have a wikipedia article but does have a website. You should read his biography, he's an interesting man and we don't know a whole lot about him.)

I am also in love with this painting that someone I know put on her facebook recently.

''The Black Brunswicker'' Sir John Everett Millais (1829 – 1898)
 I think I need a copy for my library. But I need a room for a library first. Maybe I'll just get a copy for my livingroom, it can go next to Elvis.

The 3 year anniversary of me leaving behind everyone and everything I knew and traveling with only a single suitcase of possessions from England to the U.S. is coming up at the end of this month, and then our third wedding anniversary is a week or so later. Eeep!

Head over to The UnMom for more random!



I'm eating these Pumpkin Muffins for breakfast this morning. I baked them last night while doing a couple of my make ahead recipes. My husband wants me to tell you that I forgot to put the pumpkin in the first batch, y'know only the most essential ingredient in pumpkin muffins. I only realised after they'd been in the oven for 10 minutes and I saw the pumpkin puree sitting there on the countertop. Kitchen disasters abound and I haven't even started the turkey yet.

I have to walk to the bakery after I've finished this, to get some fresh bread for the soup, and make a quick stop at the grocery store to get some more wine (and glasses, as we only have 4!). Our guests arrive at around 2pm so it's full steam ahead cooking until then.

Happy Thanksgiving, I hope you all have a wonderful day.


Children's Books

Ok, so let me just admit right now, straight off the bat. My attempt at NaNoWriMo was a washout. Not only do I not have the attention span to write something of that length, but my efforts were also thwarted by goings on at home, Mikey deciding to stop sleeping and then illness. I haven't written anything to do with my novel for about a week, I did get further than I expected though. It turns out that this attempt was the most words I've ever written for one project. Blasts my 10,000 school essays out of the water, so that's something.

I did not plan the novel well, I had nothing before I started writing it which really hindered my efforts. I may still finish it one day, but not today.

While writing it, however, I was blessed with pure unadulterated inspiration. The most magical idea for a children's book. I adore children's literature, I'm not talking about teen lit, which I dislike for the most part, or board books for babies because for the most part they're pretty dull. But things written for children between the ages of 4 and 11, I could just sit in the children's section of the library and read all day. 

As I don't have an older child of my own, I'm going to have to ask here. What sort of books do your older children enjoy?


Waking Early

I'm still sick, but it's getting better. A weekend of playing the new Mario game for Wii and generally resting has been lovely, the husband even announced that Saturday was my day off and didn't let me do anything. How sweet!

We got all of our groceries for Thanksgiving, I need to write out my cooking schedule and I'm going to start cooking on Wednesday. I'm excited but nervous, I haven't ever cooked for this many people before. I don't need to make dessert as one of our guests told us that he makes a mean pumpkin cheesecake and is going to bring some. That is a godsend for me because honestly I am so bad at making sweet things, which is a shame for someone with such a sweet tooth.

Talking of sweet things, I have been either over-indulging or not getting enough exercise because my plan of fattening up like a bear for winter has gotten ahead of itself. I'm getting more wobbly around the edges. I blame all of the lovely autumn/winter food and the fact that I can't walk as much because of the weather. It's ok though, the extra layers are keeping me warm.

Today is the beginning of a whole new era for Mikey. I'm starting to wean him, it's going to be interesting as it's the only way he knows how to get to sleep and that's the only time he nurses. But lately he has been refusing to nurse because he doesn't want to go to sleep, so it seems as good a time as any to wean him. We're going to be taking the side off of his crib and doing a new bedtime routine. I'm guessing it will take a couple of weeks before he gets the hang of it.  For what seems like the millionth time, I'm getting out all of the sleep guides and manuals to try and work out a good routine for him. Poor baby really isn't much into sleeping, there's so much other stuff that he wants to do. I think I will be so exhausted from the effort that I'll end up falling asleep in his room with him anyway. It's totally worth it to get my boobs back to myself after nearly 2 years but it seems like only yesterday I was exclusively pumping and battling to actually get him to do it.

I woke up before everyone else this morning, it was only 7am but I really enjoy how quiet the house is in the mornings. It was clean because no one had yet woken up to trash it, I made myself some coffee and read some blogs before starting to write this. I think if I went to bed earlier I'd quite like to get up before everyone every day, I really feel like it gives me a headstart. I think my husband has pretty much the opposite body clock to me though because he likes to stay up late and sleep in. Perhaps when Mikey starts sleeping through the night I'll be rested enough to get up early every day. I have my fingers crossed that weaning him will really help, after all why wake up if there's nothing to wake up for?

Mikey just woke up and is pretending to talk on the phone. He's talking to Elly from his favourite cartoon. He says "Hi Elly, *incomprehensible chatter*, uh huh, uh huh, *chatter* no, bye!" He's really an explosion of words these days. I have to go because it's breakfast time!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!


One of those days...

Ever have one of those days? Stupid question, I'm sure everyone has.

Today I woke up with a sore throat and blocked sinuses. I dragged myself heavily through a day where nothing seemed to go right, I suppose that happens when you're feeling under the weather. I burned my lunch, accidentally put something in the dryer that wasn't meant to be there, Mikey whined all day even at the park. All I wanted to do this evening was curl up in my pajamas with a nice cup of tea, ginger and lemon, perfect for colds. Perhaps re-watch the last episode of Criminal Minds, because my teen crush was in it. Although he's looking a bit worn out these days, I didn't recognise him at first.

Anyway, Mikey had other plans. It's now 11pm and I just got him down to sleep, it's taken since 9pm with plenty of screaming and crying (mostly his).

I'm now finally making my tea and I'm going to lounge around reading some blogs for an hour or so and then go to sleep.

At the moment I'm reading:

Serene Journey
Raptitude and
Zen Family Habits.

Searching for some kind of inspiration.

You know, one thing that went wrong today turned out pretty good anyway. I bought the wrong kind of sugar from the German store on accident, instead of normal granulated I bought sugar lumps. Adding sugar lumps to tea is much more fun that regular sugar, plus if you're so inclined you can try and balance them on the tea bag, watch them soak up the tea and make bets on how long they'll stay there (a surprisingly long time).



Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.
- The Buddha

A few weeks ago I had the dosage for my OCD meds increased, they were doing their job but not quite as well as I'd liked. There was some anxiety that would still flare up occasionally as well as other issues.

Now all feels good. I feel like myself again for the first time in a very long time, I feel like I have a precise and unclouded mind for the most part. I'm still doing mindfulness meditation and yoga a
s a supplement to meds,  I really think it is helping me to become a better mother, wife and person. More like how I would like to be, I can see the past and the future more clearly and they no longer take over my thoughts.

Mindfulness is the aware, balanced acceptance of the present experience.
It isn't more complicated that that.
It is opening to or receiving the present moment, pleasant or unpleasant, just as it is,
without either clinging to it or rejecting it.

- Sylvia Boorstein

I'm aware that some people take issues with being a medicated mother, or indeed being medicated for mental illness at all, as if it were something you can just climb your way out of. It's true that you do need to make an effort yourself to climb out of the pit, but if you were sick you would take medicine, that's all there is to it. Medication was a last resort after I battled with this for a long time without really knowing what it was. I eat well, I take exercise, I tried herbal supplements and they all worked to an extent but I still wasn't me. There is a part of my brain that malfunctions, it's hereditary and it's physically present in my brain. It isn't just that I decided one day that I couldn't handle life.

I'm not high all the time. I'm not weak or a failure somehow. It's not like I have a false sense of happiness that means that I'm not really me when I'm medicated, but somehow a fake version of me who is less worthy. The illness, the OCD, that was the fake version of me. That isn't who I am.

Now I am content, I can concentrate on what is important.

"Fairy tales are more than true — not because they tell us dragons exist, but because they tell us dragons can be beaten."
- G. K. Chesterton


Random Tuesday Thoughts 6


It's that time again folks!

This morning a man with a tractor vacuum type thing came and stole all of our leaves!

I am beyond upset... even though they were wet and starting to rot. He messed up the grass too, now it resembles a mud pit. Time for mud pies maybe?

I am obsessing over Origami at the moment. Just one of those things I guess.

I mentioned before that Mikey is sick? He's not. He's getting his final molars in, all 4 at once. I haven't slept this little since he was a newborn. Ok that's a lie, I'm not sure I slept at all when he was a newborn. On Saturday night he woke at midnight. He didn't go back to sleep, despite our very best efforts, until 5am. We did watch Monsters Inc though... I think Mikey is in love with B
oo (that's his nickname as well... well he's Boo Monster.)

Isn't Squash awesome? We're going to have had butternut squash two nights in a row. Yesterday was a recipe of my own invention, it involved Butternut Squash and Bacon. I know you're dying to find out what it was. Check back on Friday, I'll be posting the recipe along with my Thanksgiving menu and trial run results. Yes I'm doing trial runs of almost everything! Spaghetti Squash is totally weird. I'm waiting for an excuse to use some in cooking, but haven't found a recipe I like yet.

When the weather starts getting gloomy, I like to crack out the literary classics. I've no idea why I do things this way, but summer tends to be for modern novels and winter for classics. I'm going to be re-reading some Dickens, Austen (even though I don't like her, maybe I've changed my mind since studying her in school. I didn't like soap operas back then). Then on the list we've got some Bronte sisters, Shelley and HG Wells.

You know, camera companies like to trick you. Yes they do. They tell you that you have to spend lots of money on a camera if you want to take good photos. Now if you're a professional then sure. The hubby uses a crazy expensive Nikon army issue camera. And sure, if you have the money to spend on expensive cameras then go for it. I used to have a Canon 350D before it was stolen from the hospital while Mikey was in the NICU. Now I use my vintage film cameras (none of which cost over $10) and my trusty Canon PowerShot SD1000.It wasn't as expensive as the one I just linked to. It was more like $150.  Don't know why that one is so pricey. Don't get me wrong, I'd love a new SLR, but immigration is an expensive business. Trust me when I say I could have bought two of the camera I want and still not reached the amount we're spending on immigration paperwork. True Story.

Anywaaaaay. It's a point and click compact cam... except I use it on manual. Although it would be nice to not have to cheat around the cameras autofocus to get what I want out of it. I have to set it to one point focus... usually in the middle. Focus on exactly what I want with the center point autofocus and then caaaaaaarefully move the camera to the angle I want without changing to distance between the camera and the object. *yawn*

Here are some shots of a couple of my lovely vintage cameras... and a brooch I bought to use in making my scarflet.

Hello Lover.

<3 <3 <3



P.S. I wish to not speak of NaNoWriMo today. Things are not going well with my poor characters.


Jazz at Midnight

While writing some more of my NaNoWriMo novel last night, (I'm over 10,000 words now!) I was suddenly reminded of something that happened a long time ago. One of my characters reminds me a little of someone that I used to know, I had to stop writing because I couldn't concentrate anymore. Instead I felt compelled to write out this little story.

When I was 18 years old, nearing 19, I was at an acquaintance's birthday party. He was someone that worked with my boyfriend at the time, in the bike repair shop, and he was just turning 18. It was summer, so the party was outside in a marquee type thing. Fancy dress, I can't remember what I dressed as but my boyfriend refused to do fancy dress because I suppose that he felt that it imposed on his manliness somehow. There were a group of us - my best friend, who shares my first name and was dressed as a fairy, another guy that my boyfriend worked with who was dressed as a Nazi soldier and there was Ed, who was about 3 years older than us.

The guy dressed as a Nazi got disgustingly drunk, the party was a washout mostly although the younger kids seemed to be enjoying themselves. We ended up sat at "the grown-up's table". Ed was the guy who introduced me to The Beat Poets, this is when we sat and discussed them. He was flirting outrageously with my best friend too. My boyfriend was sulking, as he so often did. The guy dressed as a Nazi had to be taken home, he was supposed to go home with Ed and we were all desperate to leave anyway so we started to walk him home.

After we dropped him off at his house, Ed asked us if we'd like to come over to his and have some drinks. It was about midnight and we didn't feel much like going home at that point so we went with him. We walked to his house, he said it was just up the street. It was, but the street turned into a dirt track that led through a field. In the field was an old falling down house with its windows boarded up, the front door had an enormous padlock on it, Ed said that was because people liked to come out here and vandalize his house.

Ed unlocked the padlock and opened the door, we all stepped in one after the other and Ed flipped the light on. Inside the house looked in similar condition to the outside, the wallpaper was peeling off and the floor was concrete. The kitchen had only a stove, microwave, sink and a couple of tables. We went upstairs to Ed's room, we passed his older brother who was getting ready to leave to go see his girlfriend.

Ed's room was small, one wall was lined almost entirely from floor to ceiling with old records and CD's, another wall with books. His bed was pushed up against the wall and there were more books underneath. He put on some music, I think it was Joanna Newsom, and lit up a joint, we passed it around and talked for a while.

Later we went downstairs, through the kitchen into the back room. The room was big, easily three times the size of Ed's bedroom. It was filled with recording equipment and musical instruments, there were tatty Persian rugs lining the floor. Ed made us all some tea in the kitchen and we started to pick up instruments and mess around with them. I played something on the piano and as I did, my best friend started to join me by tapping on one of the drums. Ed laughed and rooted around in the back for something. He eventually pulled out a silver saxophone and handed it to my best friend, she plays a lot of instruments including the saxophone, clarinet and piano. She is actually a music teacher now.

Ed handed an electric guitar to my boyfriend and plugged it into a nearby amp before sitting down himself behind the drum kit. We didn't speak to one another, Ed started tapping out a beat on the snare drum. I started playing on the piano, my boyfriend joined in on guitar and then finally my best friend joined in on the saxophone.

We ended up jamming all night, playing Jazz. We played until 5am, before we started to get tired and decided we had to go home.

I never saw Ed again, my best friend went back to his house a couple of times to see him before she left for college.

It's funny, that night was amazing and I'm not really sure why. I still remember it vividly 6 years later. I only met the guy once and he had such an impact on the way I live now, the way I see things, what music I like and what books I like to read.

Can you think of anyone who has had an impact on your life like that? It could be a close friend, or even someone you only met once. I want to know!

P.S. I have added a couple of new websites to my reading list in the sidebar on the left. They're pretty amazing, I'll talk about them at length at a later date, for now I've got housework to do.


NaNoWriMo Update

I'm at 7273 words as of 10pm tonight. I'm still a little behind, but managed to write a lot more than I thought I would. Especially considering that Mikey is sick and has been waking up a lot last night and tonight. I really want to be caught up by next week, I might talk the husband into letting me toddle off somewhere, sans l'enfant, to do some writing this weekend.

The story is really starting to write itself though. I have trouble with dialogue, it always sounds so ridiculously fake when I write it. But that's something that can be cleaned up post-November. For a story starting with no real plot, I've surprised myself with the way my main character has led me and what she's gotten herself into so far.

For those who are remotely interested, I wrote a kind of synopsis for it tonight. Drumroll Please.

Shadow Box

     My name is Danielle, but you don't need to remember that, it's not really all that important in the scheme of things. When I was nine years old, I was given a shadow box. It used to belong to my grandfather and his father before him. The frame was a dark wood and parts of it were beginning to crack with wear. Under the glass were 6 dead moths, neatly spaced and pinned to the black backing, with their Latin names written in scrawled handwriting on small, faded pieces of paper attached underneath each moth.

     I had to sell the shadow box eventually, it was the only thing I had left that was worth anything and I was in trouble. Alex bought it back from the guy I'd sold it to and left it outside my apartment a few nights later, wrapped in gaudy paper, for me to find. I didn't want it as a gift from him, I couldn't accept anything from him or I'd end up like one of those moths. Lovingly placed under the glass and neatly pinned to the backing.


Gunpowder Treason and Plot

I wont bore you with history this time, that's what the wikipedia article and British Government Website is for.

I will say that if I were "home" in England tonight, I would be out in the freezing cold in some field somewhere with a large group of people. Burning my tongue on a baked potato wrapped in foil and freezing my fingers because you can't eat baked potato while wearing gloves. I would be watching as an effigy of Guy Fawkes, made from old clothes belonging to someone's dad and stuffed with straw, is burned on the top of a huge bonfire, making sure not to stand too close to it as I wouldn't want to singe my eyebrows. Finally I would be watching a fireworks display out in the back of the field. On the way home I would be able to see fireworks going off in neighbours backyards. Everyone's dogs would be locked up indoors with the radio playing, so that they don't go crazy at the whooshes and bangs from the fireworks.

The next day (as a child) I would be wrapped up in a warm coat, scarf and gloves, hunting around in the fields for the fireworks burned the night before and collecting them in a pile on the wet grass.

Funny how when you're away from your home country and have been for so long (nearly 3 years now), that you miss traditions that you never particularly cared for when you lived there.

On an unrelated note, Mikey is sick. He has a temperature of 101 and woke three times before finally refusing to go back to sleep on his own at midnight. We spent the rest of the night on the couch watching Pocoyo and drinking lots of tea. I am exhausted.


Random Tuesday Thoughts 5


Now that the colder weather is approaching, I've started to make like a bear and fatten myself up. I'm totally drawn to fatty foods during autumn and winter, I know I'd be cold if I didn't put on that extra layer of fat every year to help insulate. I'm also hiding foods around the house like a squirrel, then I come across them later and eat them.

I'm totally procrastinating NaNoWriMo. I'm already behind on the word count and it's only the 3rd day, I played with some ideas yesterday but didn't get any actual writing done. I did come up with a title and base concept though. The title is now "Shadow Box". I'll give you a synopsis when I have something more cohesive, but I can say that it's pretty much a character study rather than a plot driven novel.

Now I said that I was procrastinating, but my husband is far worse. He has been talking to me about his novel constantly for the past 3 days, but he has yet to put a word down or to even sign up on the NaNoWriMo website. So I think he wins this procrastination game.

I'm kinda getting back into Graphic Design. It's some form of NaNoWriMo procrastination. I'm working on a couple of things that I'll put up here for download at some point. I'm still not too hot at using Adobe InDesign so it's slow going. Graphic Design was so much easier in school when we could just draw it or make a model. For my Graphic Design class, years ago, I made a full scale model of a Cyber Cafe I designed. The model even had working lights. Yep.

Mikey has recently started putting together two word sentences. This is a really awesome part of his speech development and he seems so much easier to communicate with. He's having trouble with the order of his syllables though, which is quite cute. Sometimes instead of "Mama, Bye!" he'll say "Bama, Mye!" Instead of saying "Bye Ellie!" (when we turn off his favourite DVD) he just says "Bebellie!"

I just remembered a story my granddad told me when I visited last. It's the story of why his side of the family is not religious. Well it's kind of two stories. One story involves an ancestor being conned out of a lot of money by the "church" to build some kind of ridiculous statue. The other story is more weird, if they didn't learn their lesson by being conned, one of my ancestors was also struck by lightning while fixing his local churches roof. Now my granddad is quite good at embellishing stories, but (in the mood of the movie "Big Fish") It's sometimes more interesting to believe the stories as he tells them, I'm sure the correct version isn't nearly as good.

He also has told me so many times over the years that his side of the family is descended from King Æthelred the Unready (Æþelræd Unræd), an Anglo Saxon King of England who reigned from 978 to 1016. One of Æthelred's sons was Edward the Confessor (as referred to in Shakespeare's Macbeth as the Saintly King of England) who was one of the last Anglo Saxon kings of England, and up until 1348 was also considered the patron saint of England (he was replaced by Saint George and is now the patron saint of kings instead). Edward is also featured in one of the first panels of the Bayeux Tapestry. Edward the Confessor sounds like a decent enough guy but Æthelred was apparently a bit rubbish. The family name on my mum's side is supposedly linked to him though. What weird ancestors to have if it's true. Don't know much about the name from my dad's side apart from it's Scottish/Celtic and supposed to have something to do with rival clans.

For more Random, head on over to the unmom!



November has crept up on me faster than I expected and I'm completely unprepared. This year I'm participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) for the first time, after saying I'll do it for years. For those of you who have no idea what this is, the gist of it is that I need to write a 50,000 word novel in the 30 days of November. Admittedly it doesn't have to be good and in that sort of time frame I'd be surprised if it was. But I just need to get it out.

Thing is, I've done absolutely no prep work for it. I don't even have an idea. I need to come up with something between now and midnight Saturday! We're heading to the library tomorrow, so maybe I'll find some inspiration. I'm seriously considering Sci-Fi at the moment, perhaps some SteamPunk. Every time I seem to think of something at the moment, I realise about a minute later that it's from a film I saw or a book, or a graphic novel I read. Perhaps I'm panicking.

50,000 words in 30 days sounds like a lot. I guess it is, but it's 1,667 words per day. That's not bad. That's like an extended blog post every day. The only things I'll need to battle with will be inspiration and possible writers block.

So I don't know how much I'll be posting here come November. I'll probably keep things much the same as they have been this past month. We'll see.

Wish me luck!

And if you're taking part you can add me as a buddy here. I don't have any buddies yet so I'm a little lonely, haha.

Finally here are a couple of shots I took today while outside playing with Mikey.


He's such a cutie! <3


I am a 24 year old British stay at home mother to a two year old boy. Married to a U.S. soldier and currently living in Germany.

I have seen the Vatican from the very top of St Peter's Basilica, the mud in the World War I trenches outside Ypres. I have walked through Montmartre side streets bustling with people in the evening, gotten lost in the streets of Greenwich Village NYC, run through cornfields on the Welsh border and sat outside with a cup of tea watching fireflies in the fields of the outer Chicago suburbs.

I have held the hands of others through addiction, fear, suicide, despair and come out the other side. I have left everything behind to begin anew.
I have fought mental illness and walked through snow in the mountains of the lake district, England. I have explored the morgue in the bowels of an abandoned hospital on a summer evening, climbed to the top of scaffolding on the outside of a five floor warehouse to look at the city lights of Nottingham at night and I have watched the sun setting on the Texas horizon.

I have held my son's tiny hand through the plastic window on an isolette in the NICU ward. Walked, speaking only in whispers, through the catacombs beneath the ground on the outskirts of Rome and seen the fireworks over Heidelberg castle.
