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I didn't really know what to call this post. It's going to be quite short... perhaps I'll write something more later.

I just wanted to share the joys of peeing with a 1 year old in the bathroom. Or how it has become near impossible for mommy to go pee when daddy is not in the house.

Mikey normally attempts to climb onto my lap whilst I am peeing. I can normally distract him with toys placed in the bathroom for exactly that purpose. However now he's taken quite the interest in the toilet. So much so that while I'm sitting on it peeing I am apparently in his way. So what does a toddler do when something is in the way? Attempt to move it of course!

So now every time I try to go pee, Mikey will attempt to push me off of the toilet (he's pretty strong too). He finds this so funny that he will not be distracted with toys and obviously because I'm peeing, there's not a whole lot I can do about that.

The joys.

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I am a 24 year old British stay at home mother to a two year old boy. Married to a U.S. soldier and currently living in Germany.

I have seen the Vatican from the very top of St Peter's Basilica, the mud in the World War I trenches outside Ypres. I have walked through Montmartre side streets bustling with people in the evening, gotten lost in the streets of Greenwich Village NYC, run through cornfields on the Welsh border and sat outside with a cup of tea watching fireflies in the fields of the outer Chicago suburbs.

I have held the hands of others through addiction, fear, suicide, despair and come out the other side. I have left everything behind to begin anew.
I have fought mental illness and walked through snow in the mountains of the lake district, England. I have explored the morgue in the bowels of an abandoned hospital on a summer evening, climbed to the top of scaffolding on the outside of a five floor warehouse to look at the city lights of Nottingham at night and I have watched the sun setting on the Texas horizon.

I have held my son's tiny hand through the plastic window on an isolette in the NICU ward. Walked, speaking only in whispers, through the catacombs beneath the ground on the outskirts of Rome and seen the fireworks over Heidelberg castle.
